Color analysis and makeup

Color analyzes have become very popular recently and we hear a lot about them. There have been more services offering color analysis, because many people find it challenging to identify which color season they belong to. What is the benefit of knowing "your color season"? The colors according to your season are the shades that harmonize with your own color world, and that best bring out your own features. It's basically just color theory. A shade that is against the color season can make your skin look pale, yellowish, dull and uneven, while colors that match your own tone make the skin glow, bring out the eyes and even out the skin tone. 

Do you know what your color season is? Are you spring, summer, autumn or winter? How can this information be applied to the selection of makeup? Let's dive into colors and shades for a moment and by the end of the article you might have a better idea of ​​which color season you belong to!


What are the color seasons?


There are four color seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, and these seasons can also be divided into three subgroups: soft, bright (true) and deep, resulting in a color analysis divided by 12. The fact that you already know what season it is may be enough, but if the topic interests you, then color analysis divided by 12 may be for you. However, in this article we are only talking about the traditional 4 color season analysis. 


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Maybe you already have an idea which color season you belong to when you see these shades? However, it's good to test your assumptions from time to time, because many people have thought they belong to a certain season all their lives, but later find out otherwise. The best way to test this is to try different shades close to your face. For example, compare how warm tones look compared to cool ones, what about bright tones compared to muted ones, or do dark or light tones suit you better? Within each season there is some change in the brightness and darkness of the tones, but the tonal world still remains the same. If you are still unsure about your own shade, ask a friend with a good eye for help or make an appointment with an experienced color analysis, and you will get a sure answer ☺️ 
A few things that do NOT tell you which color season you belong to:
  • Darkness of the skin: the darkness or lightness of the skin does not tell the season, but the undertone of the skin does 
  • Hair color: this doesn't say anything either, although it can influence the choice of colors in many ways, it still doesn't decide the season. Brown-haired are not automatically autumn, nor are all blondes summers, etc
  • Eye color: This alone does not tell the season, brown-eyed can be summer and blue-eyed can be autumn, the whole picture is what matters
  • Redness: if the skin is reddish, you may think that the skin tone is cool. But the redness of the skin might only tell about the thinness of the skin or, for example, in rosacea, the skin is usually reddish. Again, a significant factor here is the undertone





Color seasons and make-ups that match them

Next, let's take a closer look at each color season and what belongs to each season should be taken into account when choosing makeup. These are not hard and fast rules, these are rules that can be broken! But if you're looking for harmony, it's essential to consider your own color season. In addition to the color season, the choice of makeup is influenced by how much contrast there is. Your contrast is affected by the darkness of your features, the darkness of the eyebrows and eyes and hair can affect it. 





Spring tones are warm, soft and light to medium dark. If your colors are spring, you can consider e.g. these facts:

  • Prefer brown-toned eyeliner instead of black, or choose a completely different color, such as bronze or a soft shade of green. Good options for spring can be found in BBIA's Last Auto Gel eyeliner , which has many warm shades, from dark to light. Especially the shades Mellow Brown and Choco Mousse are worth checking out
  • Brown shades also works best in mascaras, they're dark, but create a slightly softer overall look. Try BBIA's Never Die Mascara in the shade Power Brown. 
  • For blush shades, coral and salmon pink are the best. However, make sure the shade is not too orange or brown! Lovely shades can be found e.g. from the BBIA Ready to Wear Downy Cheek range, especially shades 01, 02, 05 and 08. 
  • There are many options for eye shadows in Korean cosmetics, because in Korea it seems that spring's soft shades are preferred 😍 All the shades of Dasique's Shadow Palette are beautiful for spring. Also from the Unleashia  Glitterpedia palettes, especially the shades All Of Citrus and All Of Coral Pink are wonderful for spring!
  • In lip products, the same coral shades, warm pinks and nudes are the perfect choice. For example, Sisua's Popcorn Syrup Lip Plumper shade Neon Guava is perfect for both everyday life and parties. If you want something darker and more dramatic, take a look at Peripera Ink Velvet Tint in shade #33 Pure Red - it's dark, dramatic, but still has a warm undertone



If you want to break the rules, choose a bright and cool shade for your eyeliner, for example, or mix both warm and cool eyeshadow in the same make-up - this way you can break the boundaries a bit if your eyes prefer cool shades.





The summer tones are cool, slightly muted to very bright and very light to mid-dark tones. For summer, for example, pink, cool yellow, lavender blue and blue turquoise are good shades. Contrasts that are too harsh can be too much for summer, so this is also taken into account in the color choices by preferring, for example, graffiti instead of black. Here are some makeup tips for summer:





Autumn shades are traditional autumn-y colors, i.e. warm oranges, browns, olive green and rust red. The shades of autumn are very warm, from very muted to less muted and from medium to dark. Lighter shades are cream, warm nude and sand tones. If the autumn shade has strong contrasts, black suits them well, but sometimes dark brown can be a better choice. Let's look at fall makeup tips next:

  • How big the contrast is in autumn affects the eyeliner. If the features are very dark, black mascara and eyeliner are suitable for autumn. Brown shades are better for a slightly lighter autumn. BBIA's Never Die Mascara in the shade 02 Power Brown is a spectacular, but softer option for autumn
  • Blushes in brown, slightly orange and also coral shades are suitable for autumn. Dasique's blush palette in the shade Beige Knit contains six shades suitable for autumn
  • Greens, lilacs, many shades of brown and copper and bronze fit beautifully in eye shadow colors for autumn. Dasique's Chocolate Fudge Palette contains beautiful shades of brown and bronze. Suitable for spring  The Unleashia Glitterpedia palette in the shade All Of Citrus is also perfect for fall
  • In lip products, coral and brick red are perfect for autumn, as well as many nudes and brownish shades. If you want a deeper and more dramatic shade, Peripera Ink Velvet Tint in shades 33 or 34 are perfect for autumn. Perfect everyday shades can be found again in dasique's Melting Candy Balms, especially in shades 01-03 and 10 






Winter tones are cool, bright, dark and often have more contrast. A light-toned person can still be winter in tone, and on the other hand, there are also light versions of winter tones. For winter, black is better than others, as well as deep shades of purple and blue and many jewel tones. Silver and steel are the best metallic colors for winter. Next, winter makeup tips:



Can the rules be broken?


Of course they can! We have explained the benefits of color seasons, but once you know them, whoever has an eye for colors can play with them and combine elements from different seasons. Some seasons are also close to each other - you may have noticed the same recommendations in spring and autumn, as well as with summer and winter. Combining warm and cool tones can also create a really fun look. So you can play with colors! And if you don't care about the colors, that's ok too ❤️

The most important thing is to be yourself and bring out your own style in the way you want, either using color theory or not 😊



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